Guiding Principles

I aim to foster an environment of inclusion and acceptance regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion, size or ability. Through compassion, curiosity, and a willingness to examine our own bias’, we can work towards building a more tolerant world. I aspire for my work to reflect my values.

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As Archbishop Desmond Tutu taught, we believe our humanity is bound up in yours for we can only be human together. We value the inextricable link between self care and community care.


We seek opportunities for meaningful and respectful exchanges that reflect our interest in time-banking. This may look like volunteering, mentoring, or contributing in mutual aid work. 

Equity & Justice

It can be difficult to access the resources you need to cultivate your own strength and well being. We believe in advocating for mental health parity and increasing access to all healing modalities. 

We recognize systemic oppression and degradation (colonization, white supremacy, ableism, patriarchy, queerphobia, transphobia, xenophobia, capitalism, etc.) lead to experiences of suffering, trauma, and mental health issues.  



We strive to create a practice that models balance and consciousness around our current climate crisis as well as culture of burnout. We believe self care is radical and advocate to nourish our relationships by first prioritizing our needs. We commit to engaging in our own healing as we know this directly impacts our skills and capacities as practitioners. Our self-care is an essential part of collective care for our communities.

We commit to cultivating community care practices which reduce our overall environmental impact and cultural appropriation which includes resource sharing, intentional use, and safer re-use of materials in our whole-istic care practices.

Collaboration & Community

 We partner with you in identifying your needs, interests and goals. We believe in working together as a team and centering your goals at the heart of our work, determining together what progress looks like in order to determine the appropriate next steps.

We will provide radical care for our community by increasing access to therapy through sliding scale options, probono work, and other communal offerings where no one is turned away due to lack of funds.

We disrupt power dynamics inherent in our shared lives through collective care intentionally woven into all aspects of y/our part/icipation.


   We provide multi-dimensional resources that are responsive to your needs. We believe all people are entitled to services that are informed and responsive to all of who we are. We are committed to empowering clients to find the right fit and love to connect people to resources in the community.  


Creativity & Imagination

We honor the traditions, creativity, and cultural practices we use to build resilience and survive. We view these as gifts to be strengthened alongside the work. We partner with clients in discovering creative, unique, holistic wellness strategies.

We prioritize shared development personally, collectively, and as practitioners as radical acts of resistance by co-imagining and practicing collective liberation.


We believe in the power of self-compassion and compassion to change the world. 

Freedom & Liberation

There are many ways to heal and grow. We aspire to provide meaningful and trauma-informed services to people with physical and psychiatric disabilities.  All people are entitled to meaningful participation in the community.

We commit to increasing access to healing rooted in social justice and liberation recognizing that the mental health field continues to be largely inaccessible, neglectful, and harmful to those who live at the intersections of multiple systems of oppression. 

We commit to increasing funding for long term care for both clients and providers


 All people are entitled to the expression and validation of our significant relationships. We believe trust and boundaries are the foundation of  healthy relationships.  
